The Flooring Compnay

Free Consultation

We would be happy to provide you with a quote or any advice for your flooring needs. Simply fill in the form on the right and submit your details; we’ll arrange for one of our experienced staff to give you a call.


Cushionflor is warm, soft and forgiving, so you get the look of products such as wood, ceramics, glass, stone and metal.
Cushionflor comes a wide variety of glass, wood, ceramic, stone and metal looks.

It is sold in 2,3 and 4 metre widths which means kitchens and bathrooms can have a seamless, waterproof floor with minimum waste.
Cushionflor will bring comfort to your home.

Its warm, soft and forgiving, so you get the look of products such as wood, ceramics, glass, stone and metal.

Cushionflor comes in 2,3 and 4 metre widths which means kitchens and bathrooms can have a seamless, waterproof floor with minimum waste.
Cushionflor is sold in 2,3 and 4 metre widths. Please contact us for an accurate quotation (see 'Learn More' below).
Please phone us on 02380 439521, email us at or download our free flooring guide